Multilingual Learners and the Science of Reading: Building on Common Ground

Presented by: Dr. Claude Goldenberg,
Emeritus Professor of Education, Stanford University
Have you heard the big news? The National Committee for Effective Literacy and The Reading League agree that students can learn to read, write, and speak in two languages if they are provided with effective instruction.
This edWebinar highlights what that effective instruction looks like and how this new common-ground perspective is shaping multilingual education policy today. Presented by Dr. Claude Goldenberg, we use the foundational work laid out in the paper Narrowing Down to Find Common Ground: Shared Agreements for Effective Literacy Instruction in California to take the conversation to the next level by discussing how to inform Structured Literacy and Science-of-Reading-based policies for the benefit of multilingual learners and ensure their needs are not left behind.
Yes, you can learn to read, write, and speak in two languages at the same time.
- That means dual immersion can work.
- That means students can speak their heritage language at home.
- That means the human brain is capable of doing SO MUCH MORE, particularly if we follow the best research to promote literacy in two—or more—languages!
Discover how these evolving educational policies directly impact your teaching and gain practical ways to adapt and enhance your approach for your diverse classrooms. This edWebinar is the second part of CORE Learning’s three-part “Structured Literacy and Language Diversity Lunch and Learn Week,” and will be of interest to PreK-12 teachers and school and district leaders. There will be time for questions at the end of the presentation.
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