Literacy Coaching & Site Implementation Support
CORE provides coaching and embedded support to help advance literacy and learning goals.

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The CORE Learning team is here to share information, answer any questions you may have, and partner to meet your educators’ and students’ needs.
At each CORE site visit, the Consultant meets with the principal/leadership team to review planned objectives and the agenda for the visit, and discusses any emergent issues that may need particular attention. During the first visit, the Consultant typically conducts initial walk-through visits to classrooms and introductory meetings with coaches, grade-level teams, and/or individual teachers. The consultant may also review the existing literacy plan or initiate development of one.
The Consultant provides a number of services directly to classroom teachers. With the local coach, they coach classroom teachers based on requests, observation and/or data analysis. The Consultant also conducts collaboratively planned demonstration lessons, using adopted materials or the CORE Teaching Reading Sourcebook “How” Lessons. The Consultant works with coaches and small groups of teachers to plan grade-level grouping and interventions based on analysis of assessment data, provide review and deeper understanding of instructional materials, review and practice instructional routines, resolve implementation issues, and provide coaching on implementing effective instructional techniques.
CORE can provide support to schools and districts in building a Multi-Tiered System of Supports/Response to Instruction and Intervention model. Based on an analysis of need, the Consultant will work with the leadership team to develop a teaming infrastructure, comprehensive assessment system, and plan for tiers of literacy support.
The Consultant works closely with the building administrator to ensure they understand how the instructional program is designed, what effective implementation of the components of the core curriculum and supplemental intervention programs, and how to use data to improve student achievement. Through regular classroom walk-throughs and facilitated sessions, the CORE Consultant supports the building leadership to have the knowledge, tools, and confidence to lead sustained literacy improvement efforts.
The Consultant mentors the coaches as they model lessons, observe and debrief with teachers, conduct data study sessions, and analyze test data. He or she also assists coaches to facilitate on-site collaborative conversations and develop solutions to implementation challenges.
The Consultant provides assistance in the use of assessment, including, universal screening, diagnostic and progress monitoring instruments. The Consultant works closely with teachers, the principal, curriculum specialists, and coaches to show them how to analyze the data to plan for access and engagement in high-quality grade-level instruction for all students, set up effective student groupings and incorporate specific interventions based on defined needs.
Since CORE does not publish instructional materials and is not aligned with any one textbook publisher, the Consultant can provide impartial advice in analysis of your program needs and guidance in the selection of tier 1, 2 or 3 curriculum that meet your specific needs.
When CORE is supporting the implementation of a comprehensive, district-wide literacy approach, selected sites are identified by the district to serve as the venues of observation and practice for district literacy specialists, coaches, and administrators. The consultant will support development of the demonstration sites as well as facilitating schedules and agendas for administrator and coaching observation and practice visits.
Through a combination of on-site, phone and email support, reports, and development of client resources (agendas, planning templates) the Consultant manages the CORE program of services closely with site administrators and teacher leaders, and serves as the liaison to CORE.
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Contact CORE to learn more about CORE Learning’s Literacy Coaching & Site Implementation Support.