Blog Post

Equity Issues Related to Serving Students with Dyslexia

Presented by: Dr. Sherril English
Clinical Associate Professor at Southern Methodist University

Dr. Monica Ng
Vice President, Education Programs, Pivot Learning

Dr. Carrie Thomas Beck
Director of Literacy, CORE Learning

This is the third video in a series of free on-demand professional learning videos from CORE and Pivot Learning* that feature expert advice about supporting students with word reading difficulties.

Racial, ethnic and socio-economic inequality in education unfortunately has a long and persistent history in the United States. These inequities are especially profound when it comes to how schools identify students with reading difficulties and provide reading instruction. But in this moment, many are working harder than ever to reduce barriers so that all students can receive the support they need to become successful readers.

Pivot Learning’s Dr. Monica Ng and CORE’s Dr. Carrie Thomas Beck kicked off Dyslexia Awareness Month with a conversation with Dr. Sherril English, Clinical Associate Professor at Southern Methodist University, about how school systems can better serve all students experiencing difficulties with reading, including students with dyslexia.

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