CORE Site Visit Feedback Form Please fill out the form and click the Submit button when you’ve finished. We appreciate your input! CORE Consultant*Date of CORE Site Visit* MM slash DD slash YYYY Was the content a good fit with your needs?*Select OneYesNoWas the content explained well?*Select OneYesNoDid your teachers/coaches benefit from the content?*Select OneYesNoWas your CORE Site Consultant on time, prepared and organized?*Select OneYesNoDid your CORE Site Consultant provide timely communication and agendas?*Select OneYesNoWere reports submitted on time and helpful?*Select OneYesNoWhat is your overall evaluation of the site visit?*Select OneExcellentGoodFairPoorPlease share any comments, observations or suggestions.Your First Name*Your Last Name*Your Email* Your Job Title*Your School Name*Your District*CAPTCHA Δ